Thursday, August 9, 2012

Dizzy night

this vodka damn nice
love it so much ❤


It's beer night!!!
Let drunk together xD

this boy banyak cute  

four of us 

enjoyable night
dizzy night also 

the four vodka we bought
the color look  like very nice but the taste still so so only

this one..
so regret to buy it..
fucking bad taste 
I don't like it 

this 早抖小姐 
just a little bit bit bit
she knock down already
and went to sleep 

their face so red
but mine one so..."GREEN"
RED pok pok 

this was the first ever time four of us gather to drink
I am not very like to drink
I more prefer mineral water

but sometime
drink is the way to express the stress and happiness

----THE END----

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